Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Dirk

Zola likes the puppets Mimi sent Dirk for his birthday. (It's not a deviant fetish or a childish disorder - he likes to play puppets with Z.) Thanks, Mimi!

Road Trip?

Just a quick trip to Hershey to see Chad and Kathi. We never get tired of the Chocolate World tour. Good times, and it's free. Just don't blow all your cash in the overpriced gift stores. The chocolate shakes, however, are enough to justify the 99 mile drive. They're moo-tricious.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Does Mimi recognize this shirt?

Zola is wearing her dad's old shirt today. Here's a little fashion show.
[Click on the picture to zoom.]

Here's Dirk, mid 1970s, in the same shirt. Handsome devil.
Thanks for digging up this photo, Al.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cage Match

Since it's never too early to get ahead, Zola has been training to be a cage fighter. Here she is in her Octagon (it's really a hexagon, but don't tell).

She uses Rex Kwon Do's Buddy System:
No more flyin' solo.
You need somebody watching your back at all times!

Eventually, we'll get her some Rex Kwon Do Gear so she looks the part too.

There's nowhere to hide when Zola's in the cage!

So, you think you know fear? Just be grateful there is a fence between you and this seasoned fighter.

New Shoes from Patty Ray

Zola's had these Converse All Stars for a little while, but just now is she able to wear them. Thanks, Patty Ray!

The Trip to Utah

Zola had a great time playing with cousins, uncles and aunts while in Utah.

She waited patiently for Mimi and Ed to come back from Croatia - anxious to greet them with a balloon.

Zola couldn't get enough of Mimi and promises to try to say her name before Zola sees her again.