Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Zolie's Been Tagged

3 Joys

1. When Dad comes home from work
2. Being outside

3. Her blankie. Especially the tag on her blankie. Really the tag on anything gives her joy. Basically any tag or strap is great.

3 Fears

1. The vacuum

2. Big Dogs - not the clothing line, although it scares me a little bit.

3. Never being as cute as she is right now.

3 Goals
1. Travel the world

2. Sample every kind of food

3. Be just like Dad.

3 Obsessions

1. Wormie
This is a picture of Zola at about 3 months old, but she still carries that worm around with her everywhere.

2. The little white cap that covers the screws at the base of the toilet. I know, it's disgusting. I call it an obsession because she has only successfully reached it a couple of times, but she knows it is there, thinks about it, and goes for it every time she is near the bathroom. She can't remember not to eat when she has a pacifier in her mouth, but she can remember the white cap even when she is not near the bathroom!

3. Every tiny piece of dirt or lint that is on the carpet

3 Surprising Facts

1. Zola has never rejected any kind of food. She loves everything and is the best eater. Lemons, limes, celery, broccoli, small bugs. You name it; she'll eat it.

2. Zola is a very strong little girl. She could move her neck when she was born, as she curiously looked around the delivery room, eyes wide, probably thinking, "what the hey just happened?"

3. She is the coolest baby ever. I guess that's not too surprising.


Jenny Moore said...

She is the coolest baby ever! I love that cute picture of her in her swimsuit! I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!

Jana said...

She's starting her base tan for Newport.

Rigby Family said...

I really feel like I know Zola better now. We miss you guys...wish you were coming here to visit!

Allison said...

I miss you guys! Thanks for going through with the TAG. I LOVED learning a little more about Zolie! What a cutie.

Lindsey said...

Wow, could she really move her neck or am I being gullible?

Jana said...

it's true