Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tapping a Keg

Zola was born in a college town which boasts/laments the number three party school in America. But Zola seems to have a different understanding of what it means to "tap a keg."

[Good girl.]

A couple of weeks ago, Zola and her dad took a little day-trip out to Old Economy Village, a little nineteenth century communistic town founded by the Harmonist Society (and a tourist attraction today). You can read all the boring history and see more photos on Dirk's blog. I just thought this was a cute photo to share.


Lindsey said...

Oh Zo! Another great picture to add to Zola's album of pictures of her sitting in her stroller. We love her and we talk about her on a daily basis :).

miss kitti said...

My favorite tapping ever!

Rangi said...

Lunt, I am pretty T.O.ed that you were in New Port and didn't inform us. We would have been stoked to drive down and see you. Maybe next time.
P.S. Zola is darn cute.

Dirk Handlebar said...

Rangi, I would've called but we didn't have any wheels. We'll be back, though.

El Jeffe and the Girls said...

Love it.